On 12 March 2024 at 5:30-7:00pm (Bangkok Time), Manushya Foundation, in collaboration with SEA Junction and other partners held the launch of  first joint thematic report on behalf of the ASEAN Regional Coalition to #StopDigitalDictatorship! This launch coincided with the World Day Against Cyber Censorship on March 12, 2024.

About the Report

This report encapsulates the collaborative efforts of the coalition to document the ever-evolving digital landscape and its profound impact on diverse identities including citizens, marginalised groups, consumers, and the broader ASEAN community. It not only embodies the concept of ‘glocalism,’ a fusion of global and local considerations, but also advocates for an alternative form of regionalism. This approach prioritizes both human rights, cultivating democracies and holding those in power accountable through conscientious lawmaking processes with an emphasis on the integration of intersectionality as guiding lens throughout the report preparation phases.

The Southeast Asian region is plagued by digital authoritarianism that poses a severe threat to fundamental human rights like freedom of speech, information, and privacy; leading to an erosion of democratic values. Governments abuse laws, policies and actions to monitor the internet and censor dissent. The complicit tech companies also collaborate in online surveillance and comply with requests for information takedowns, further reinforcing an environment of fear and self-censorship. Amongst the threats to personal safety, detentions and shrinking online civic space, the criminalisation of defamation stands out as one of the most significant threats to freedom of speech. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic and lack of intersectional feminist lens also provides cover for repressive measures, further exacerbating the situation.

The report calls for government accountability, legislative safeguards, and tech company responsibility to counteract digital authoritarianism in Southeast Asia.

Moderator: Debbie Stothard, Founder and Coordinator of ALTSEAN – Burma


  • Emilie Palamy Pradichit, Founder & Executive Director of Manushya Foundation
  • Jean Linis-Dinco Independent Researcher
  • Hafizh Nabiyyin, Head of Freedom of Expression Division, SAFENET Voice
  • Wai Wai Nu, Founder & Executive Director Women’s Peace Network
  • Henry Koh, Executive Director of ILGA Asia
  • Tanruthai “Pim” Thanrut, Mokeluang Rimnam


Manushya Foundation

Manushya is an Intersectional Feminist organization reinforcing the power of Humans, in particular local communities and women human rights defenders, to fight for Human Rights, Equality & Justice!

SEA Junction

SEA Junction, established under the Thai non-profit organization Foundation for Southeast Asia Studies (ForSEA), aims to foster understanding and appreciation of Southeast Asia in all its socio-cultural dimensions, from arts and lifestyles to economy and development. Conveniently located at Room 407-8 of the Bangkok Arts and Culture Center or BACC (across MBK, BTS National Stadium), SEA Junction facilitates public access to knowledge resources and exchanges among students, practitioners and Southeast Asia lovers. For more information, see www.seajunction.org, join the Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/1693058870976440/ and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @seajunction


Photo credit: Lattapol Jirapathomsakul, SEA Junction