Évolution du don individuel dans une région en difficulté : pratiques anciennes, nouvelles modalités
L’Asie du Sud-Est est généralement considérée comme une région « généreuse, avec ses nombreuses cultures favorables au don et à l’entraide.
L’Asie du Sud-Est est généralement considérée comme une région « généreuse, avec ses nombreuses cultures favorables au don et à l’entraide.
As our activities expand, there is a need for an additional staff who is able to work in a flexible manner in a small office with a multicultural environment and a variety of needs.
Légende (de droite à gauche) : L’ancien gouverneur de Jakarta Anies Baswedan (candidat #1), le ministre de la Défense sortant Prabowo Subianto (candidat #2), et l’ancien gouverneur de Central Java Ganjar Pranowo (candidat #3)
Oltre 200 milioni di elettori vanno oggi alle urne per eleggere il presidente, il vicepresidente e i loro rappresentanti a ogni livello politico e amministrativo di quello che è il quarto paese al mondo per popolazione, il più grande stato arcipelagico del mondo. L’eredità di Jokowi
L’esito del voto porta con sé il rischio che la più grande nazione musulmana moderata si trasformi in una vera e propria autocrazia. I timori dietro all’elezione dell’attuale ministro della Difesa Prabowo Subianto.
Indonesia is the world’s fourth-largest coffee-producing country after Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia . With a total coffee plantation area of 1.25 million hectares as of 2020 the coffee industry is deeply rooted in the nation’s agricultural landscape .
In June 2021, on a street in Mandalay, a group of ASEAN citizens was burning the ASEAN flag. After the Coup earlier that year, the people in Myanmar had been storming the streets, demanding to take their power back while Tatmadaw was taking their lives, one by one.
Was my initial thought when I decided to write this essay. So many topics I could dig into, explain, argue, describe, there was just so much that was open to be said.
As we move deeper into the 21st century, the utility of constructed national and regional boundaries is increasingly being challenged by globalization and anthropogenic crises, such as climate change.
As I struggled to get back up after a less-than-perfect knee thrust to my muay thai coach in one of our noontime sparring sessions, I hear a song playing on the television overhead.