Lockdown Lessons from Phnom Penh for a More Livable City by Conrad Richardson

Central Market in Phnom Penh is normally engulfed in traffic and pollution, during lockdown however was different — what is normally a chaotic and over-stimulating experience, was calm and peaceful. The city with few or no cars as observed during the pandemic should really motivate us to accelerate a transition towards more livable cities that are less dependent on combustion engines and private mobility and less polluted.

SEA Junction April 2021 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, Last month, we successfully held the photo exhibition “The Mekong is Blue and Dried” to advocate for the Mekong River’s deteriorating ecosystem. It was accompanied with the panel discussion during the launch and Media Talk (in Thai) during the weekend. For those who missed it, you can find the executive…

SEA Junction January 2021 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, As the year draws to a close, we would like to take this opportunity to take a look back to 2020 and forward to 2021. Ending the year with a conference and two photo exhibitions, in December SEA Junction has partnered with Chulalongkorn University to celebrate Migration Day,…