Intervista alla professoressa Rosalia Sciortino sul volume intitolato “Who cares? COVID-19 social protection response in South East Asia”

Tematiche particolarmente interessanti ed attuali contenute nel volume “Who cares? COVID-19 social protection response in South East Asia”, che contiene gli esiti di una ricerca che ha cercato di capire quali sono state le esperienze della popolazione nel Sudest dell’Asia con la pandemia e che misure sono state prese per migliorare gli impatti del COVID-19 e con che risultati.

Postcards from Myanmar

Sending postcards and creating them is a way to express the beauty and pleasure of a place. The artist would like to deliver messages concerning Myanmar’s current condition through these postcards. The story is created to depict the lives of people from rural and urban area areas what they experienced, what they have been experiencing in Myanmar after the military coup.

SEA Junction August 2023 Agenda

This month, we are thrilled to present a lineup of events that focus on art and sustainability, environmental issues, and migration. Kicking off August, we invite you to explore the world of sustainable fashion through a mini textile exhibition featuring an Indonesian artist Intan Anggita Pratiwie.

Grief on Christmas Eve

My precious son was one of the 35 victims, including children and women, who were burned and slain by the military on December 24 (Christmas Eve), 2021 in Hpruso Township, Kareni State. I understand that I am not the only parent who has lost a child but it is still not easy to accept the awful news and I have been sobbing alone under the tree every day

Hero: My Inspiring Father’s Stand for Democracy in Myanmar

My father took care me alone by selling lottery for our livelihoods and my education path. When the military staged the coup in Myanmar in February 2021, he was against the coup and participated in the protest although he is a veteran. One day in March, my father was shot by soldiers in the street during protest and died later. I did not give up my hopes for restoring democracy and keep fighting for what I believe till now. My father is a hero for me in every way what he had done for me and his beloved country, Myanmar.


I am having mixed feelings of guilt, insecurity, loss, and emptiness, and depression and pessimistic thoughts have been constantly overwhelming me. I still have the ones who are standing by my side, and I am very lucky to have parents who did not push me or force me to go back to study under the military regime.

Who Cares? COVID-19 Social Protection Response in Southeast Asia: Chapter 4 “Left Behind” in Thailand’s Pursuit of Economic Recovery

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand, like in the rest of the world, have transcended public health. The country’s containment measures and strict border control in 2020 limited the toll on human life, but its economy was among the worst affected in Southeast Asia, contracting 6.1 percent for the year after growing 2.4 percent in 2019 (ADB 2022)