SEA Junction September 2017 Agenda

Dear All, After the intense and artistic August program, SEA Junction is slowing down in early September to allow for my taking home leave to Italy and for the new hires to get acquainted with the job. Activities will be limited to the daily functioning as a reading room and to the holding of the…

SEA Junction August Agenda

Dear All,    The month of July saw a variety of programs from the launching of an alternative tourist guide on Bangkok, the screening of a documentary on inter–ethnic relations in Myanmar and another on environmental destruction in Sarawak, to a talk by renown journalist Michael Vatikiotis on current governance issues in Southeast Asia. Of note,…

Announcement 18 July 2017

Due to staff attendance at the 10 ICAS in Chiang Mai, SEA Junction will be closed on 19-21 July. Sorry for the inconvenience!

And if you are in Chiang Mai please attend our panel on Philantrophy in Southeast Asia.

SEA Junction July Agenda

Dear All, We are glad to inform you that the celebration for our 1st Anniversary went very well with a festive bazaar, and engaging discussion on medical tourism and a constructive meeting with our founding partners and key supporters. We now enter our second year with a varied program in terms of activities and countries…