SEA Junction May 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, The “ASEAN People in Flux” series and the “Displaced and Uprooted” series take center stage in May with a number of activities that focus on people’s movements in Southeast Asia–forced, reluctant, exploitative and voluntary. An intermezzo, is the shadow play and related workshops by Indonesian artist Jumaadi, His…

SEA Junction April 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, April is a month of holidays with Easter and then Thai New Year (Songkran) celebrations and we will be closed on 13-16 April. In this festive spirit,  we wish all of you peace and joy in the days ahead.  After the vacation, we will launch a new series…

Looking for ‘Asean way’ in Rohingya crisis

Article by Johanna Son originally published in The Bangkok Post on 26 March 2018 In Asean’s search for a role in the maze that is the political and humanitarian disaster unfolding from Myanmar’s Rakhine crisis, it is finding that some paths are closed off, a few remain passable despite barriers — and others are clear…

Podcast: Interview with Rosalia Sciortino about SEA Junction in Indonesian by suaRane (Episode 12) “Ngobrol di Persimpangannya Asia Tengara” or “Chatting at Southeast Asia’s Intersection”

Tamu Suarane Podcast kali ini adalah Ibu Lia Sciortino Sumaryono, Pendiri dan Direktur SEA Junction, sebuah lembaga yang berlokasi di Bangkok Arts and Cultural Centre, sebuah oase di tengah gurun pusat perbelanjaan di kota Bangkok. SEA Junction adalah tempat untuk lebih mengenal lebih dari dekat berbagai aspek sosial, politik, budaya dan juga seni dari negara-negara…

SEA Junction March 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, In February hundreds if not thousands of people saw and were informed and moved by Mahmud Rahman’s two-week photo exhibition “UNMENTIONABLE: Rohingya refugees in Cox Bazar”, which stretched from the 1st to the 4th floor of BACC. On the closing day we also had the inspiring talk of…

Scapegoating the “Other” in Southeast Asia

There is much talk in Southeast Asia about the rise of authoritarianism and the retrenchment of democracyhere intended not only as an electoral system, but most importantly as a governance structure that trusts in the impartial rule of law, encourages stakeholders’ participation in decision-making, respects alternative views and provides protection for minority interests.
Read more…

SEA Junction February 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, January was a month full of engaging events that received public and media attention, from the the dazzling dances of Indonesia, to the photo exhibition on the the community of Fort Mahakam to the panels on outcomes of migration and health equity in Southeast Asia. We hope to…

Podcast: Interview with Rosalia Sciortino about SEA Junction by Thai PBS Radio. Introduction in Thai and interview in English

19 January 2018, 8-9AM

SEA-Junction ชุมทางอาเซียน

หลบมุมอ่าน กับ นงค์ลักษณ์ บัทเลอร์
ทุกวันศุกร์ เวลา 08.00-09.00 น. 

• “SEA-Junction” ชุมทางอาเซียน รับฟังการพูดคุยกับ Rosalia Sciortino ผู้ก่อตั้งและผู้อำนวยการบริหาร SEA-Junction

• SEA-Junction ชุมทางหนังสือและห้องอ่านหนังสือ พื้นที่ในการทำความรู้จักเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ผ่านหนังสือหลากหลายประเภทและกิจกรรมวิชาการ ศิลปวัฒนธรรม เสวนา ฯลฯ