SEA Junction November 2020 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, This month SEA Junction is expanding its programs aiming to soon return to a ‘better normal’. We are now restarting with English events —a panel discussion on public attitudes towards migrants in Asia and the screening of an award-winning Indonesian movie—in addition to the regular Bangkok Tribune’s Dialogue Forum on…

Warding Off Illness with Traditional Talismans in Lao PDR and Other Neighboring Countries by Tara Gujadhur et al

In March 2020, when the danger of COVID-19 became recognised, a number of effigies, bamboo woven talismans or taleos, and gates cropped up in rural and urban areas. They were meant as a marker and warning to delineate the boundary between the safe space of the village from the outside world, where potentially dangerous spirits and entities – including now the coronavirus—roam.