One Year After the Coup

I would strike up a conversation with anyone I know to see if there might be a job opportunity for me. I would even ask people I barely know, and I would ask people who used to work as my subordinates in my previous job. I could not care If I might be looking too desperate. I would swallow my pride, divert my gaze to the ground, and implore them to take me along to their work if there is the slightest hope for me to get a job there.

Give for a New and Better SEA Junction!

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, As you may be aware, our venue has been closed for renovations since mid-March. Our former 40-meter area was unable to accommodate a large crowd for events like before due to COVID-19 containment restrictions in the past 2 years. We were glad that, in February, the BACC offered…

The Day I Felt the Scent of Death

One day, I saw a shocking news appearing on my Facebook timeline. Five youth including a girl jumped from the rooftop of a tall building after they knew they could not escape from the soldiers raiding their hideout. All died.
I expected such an incident and did an exercise to escape from a rooftop exit. Thinking the fate of the youths, I asked myself: What I would have done if I were there. Suddenly, I felt the scent of death.

Par nos propres moyens : la Covid-19 en Asie du Sud-Est

L’Asie du Sud-Est est la première région à avoir été touchée par la Covid-19 après la Chine. Tout a commencé en janvier 2020 avec l’identification d’un premier cas en Thaïlande. Cette année-là, la plupart des pays de la région ont réussi à maîtriser la pandémie, mais les répercussions socio-économiques ont été profondes

On Our Own: COVID-19 in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia was the first region outside of China to be affected by COVID-19 following the identification of a first case in Thailand in January 2020. Although that year most of the region managed to keep the pandemic under control, the socio-economic impacts were severe as social life was disrupted and livelihoods lost

Dear COVID-19 Diary

A fourteen-day journal chronicles my journey with COVID-19. From the days in isolation in a facility my city set up for the infected, to my bittersweet homecoming to recover together with my daughter whom I infected with the virus. The story revolves around the immediate despair when I knew I was infected, the hopelessness of the situation as well as the uncertainty.

Women who Man the COVID-19 Vaccinations

Nearly 15 hours daily, Mondays to Saturdays. That’s how Marguerite Maguzzo spends six of the seven days of the week attending to people who are scheduled to receive their vaccinations against COVID-19. She is required to be at the vaccination site from as early as 7 a.m. to as late as 8 p.m. when the encoders have finished their work for the day.