Regolarizzazione senza legalità e senza integrazione per i migranti in Thailandia

Negli ultimi decenni, la migrazione è divenuta un tema particolarmente inquietante. Questo non soltanto per la sempre più vistosa incapacità dei governi e dell’opinione pubblica di trattare i flussi migratori con equilibrio, ma anche (e forse soprattutto) perché questa incapacità si fonda sempre più spesso su atteggiamenti e approcci ideologici che giungono a mettere in discussione l’eguaglianza tra esseri umani.

SEA Junction December 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Frieds of SEA Junction, In the month of November, we enjoyed the Thai floral painting and we pondered on challenges in the region to foster tolerance in plural societies and ensure women have access to reproductive health services. December will also see a variety of topics beginning with gender and food security…

SEA Junction November 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, In the month of October I learned a lot from the new topics that were addressed at SEA Junction for a first time such as: digital literacy for women and girls; decriminalization of drugs; and the evolution of traditional music into unique forms of contemporary music across the…

SEA Junction October 2018 Agenda

Dear Partners and Friends of SEA Junction, In the month of September we addressed crucial yet challenging issues for the region, exposing statelessness of migrant children, restrictive policies against street vendors and ongoing transitional justice efforts for still unresolved abuses.These were interspersed by events showing the contrasting beauty of paintings and textiles from Indonesia. It…